About the Business
Urban Beauty Salon was established in May 2011 with a vision of creating a salon which offers high quality, affordable luxuries within a spa environment. Our team of highly qualified therapists will combine their knowledge and skill to enable you to enjoy a little bit of Urban Beauty time!
We ha ve a wi de sel ect ion of xm as gift sets whi ch will ma ke an ide al, lux uri ous gift for a lov ed on e, incl udi ng a sel ect ion of De cle or gift sets for bo th ma le an d fe ma le an d Jes si ca pol ish se ts. Wh y not ha ve on e of the ab ov e ha nd gift wr ap pe d an d incl ud e a gift vo uc her for use in 20 13 for a tre at me nt of yo ur ch oi ce.
Location & Hours

5 Honiton Way
Warrington, WA5 2EY