About the Business
I also offer hair removal by Electrolysis using both methods of Blend andDiathermy, which is the only medically approved method of permanent hairremoval (approved by the British Medical Association). More people have hairpermanently removed by electrolysis than you can probably imagine. Electrolysisinvolves the insertion of a very fine needle (the same diameter as the hair)into the hair follicle.
Theinsertion of this needle is not generally felt as the hair follicle is anatural opening in the skin. The needle is passed into the follicle andtherefore does not pierce the skin. Heat is then passed through the needle toseal off the hair at the root. The hair is then removed. Most hairs will needmore than one treatment, but there will be a constant, gradual decrease in thegrowth of the hair until it has all been permanently removed.
Location & Hours

32 Portman Road